
Color is one of major components determining how the whole hair system will look like. While taking into consideration short male hair, a slight difference in color may reveal the fact that you have been wearing a hair system. For longer women’s hairdos, the case is not so problematic because artificial hair usually mixes with your own one, making any differences in color insignificant.
There are two ways of choosing the right hair color:


1. Sending the representatives of our company a sample of your hair

2. Using a professional and trustworthy color sampler (supplied with the starter set provided to the customer) and choosing the color that best matches of the one of your hair.

First method – sampling your own hair

This method is the highly recommended one, mainly due to the fact that nothing can reflect your natural color better than a sample of your own hair. If possible, enclose samples taken from several parts of your head, as the hair shade may vary depending on the area . It is, for example, worth remembering that hair in the back is usually darker. Each sample has to be at least 2-3cm long. The longer the sample, the more accurate color will be chosen for you.

Second method – using a color sampler

If you cannot sample your own hair, you can always use a color sampler. In the supplied starter set, you will find a color sampler that will help you find your ideal color. For Slavic hair, you have to specify the group to which your color belongs, as various types are priced differently.There are three basic color groups to choose from: dark, medium, and blonde. When making an order, you will find a detailed list of colors in each of the aforementioned groups. In the case of choosing Indian hair type, the color does not affect the price. Please keep in mind that the desired hair color should always be chosen in natural daylight.


NOTE: Please bear in mind that the color of the Slavic hair utilized for your system may to a marginal extent differ from the sample, as we use only and exclusively natural hair without changing its color or structure in any way. However, it has to be pointed out that our experts strive to keep the said discrepancies at a minimal level.